Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy Easter.......

I could not think of a better way to start this blog then by naming my 1st post the day I first met Casper.

Now just to give you an idea of what we had in store for us if we brought him home. We currently own 4 dogs and a cat. Out of the 4 dogs we own, 3 are pitbulls. Two of our pits are rescues. We have never rescued one on our own. I also have two sons, ages 12 and 8. Needless to say, we already have our hands full but if my fiancée said he wants to get him, then if God wills it, he will be coming home with us.

My fiancée had told me of a pitbull that he had seen at one of his stops in Crenshaw, a few weeks back. Last week he had said that the pitbull looks worse, really skinny. He decided that he could not watch this dog die such a horrible death at the hands of the streets. So we decided to try to rescue him and bring him to our house. I know people who live in or around Crenshaw, so when I posted what we wanted to do on Facebook, I got responses from two people who had seen him that week.

With us planning on going to my Grandmothers for Easter, my fiancée thought this would be a great time to get the pittie and bring him home. My get to my Grandmother's you have to go through Crenshaw. Well, I called my Grandmother to see what time we needed to be there for Easter dinner, she said she was not doing Easter this year. That left us with no plans for the day. My fiancée had already told me we would try to get him this weekend. I decided that we should go to Crenshaw and see if we could find him.

Around one o'clock in the afternoon we left the boys at home playing World of Warcraft and headed to Crenshaw, MS. We were unsure if we were even going to see him, much less what we were to do if we found him. We found him. As we were driving along Hwy 3 in Crenshaw, we saw him walking along the sidewalk. We stopped at the store that my fiancée had seen him at. I told my fiancée to go in the store and get some jerky. I watched him walk along the sidewalk, looking for food. Every time someone came close to him he would stop and watch them pass him.

I went into the store to get water for him. I could see he was panting. My fiancée could not find any jerky so I told him to get slim jims. As my fiancée was waiting to check out I went back out side to find him. At that point he was crossing street to which we were parked on. I stood beside my truck and watched him. When he realized I was watching him he stopped and stared at me. Now I could see what kind of shape he was in. He was so skinny. His fur was dirty and his head stooped to the ground. By this point my fiancée was coming out of the store. I was trying to call the pit to me. He was walking very slowly. When my fiancée crouched and started calling him. He changed directions away from us. Since I did not want him to go, I opened the slim jims and started throwing pieces at him. I would throw the pieces closer and closer to us. Finally, I just sat on the ground. After a little while of coaxing him, I finally got him to eat out of my hand. That's when I could really see how damaged his muzzle was. By the scars on his face, I could tell that he had been in a fight. More likely he was thrown into a ring. His muzzle looked like it had been ripped to shreds. It had healed, but it was badly scarred. His eyes were so sad. I felts so sorry for him. All I wanted to do was get him in my truck and take him away from it all. Of course that is easier said than done.

I spent an hour and half out in the parking lot with Casper. (That is what we have decided to call him) I got him to eat from me hands. He let me pet him. I noticed that he did not like men. He would not get near my truck and he had one blue eye. I could hear people whispering about us trying to get him. At one point an older black gentlemen was walking through a path way that we were by. Casper turned around to walk off. The gentleman stopped and said, " No Blue. Go over there." Referring to me, he was trying to get him to come to me. I had to get Casper over by me before he ran off. I started calling him and offering him food out of my hand. Leading him to the other side of the gentleman. He came to me. After a while of me trying to feed him and offering him water. I think I annoyed him enough that he did not want to be around me anymore. He was trying to sleep and I was trying to gain his trust. He finally walked around the building. I walked to the other side the opposite way. When I got to the other side he was not there. The only direction for him to go was across the railroad tracks. I could not venture into that territory.

My fiancée was inside the store at the time. When he came out I told him what happened. We decided to ride around the block to see if he would come back. When he did not, we decided to come back later. I wanted to come back later that afternoon, but my fiancée said we should give him a day to think about what happened and come back after work . As much as I didn't want to leave him I knew I had to. He was constantly in my thoughts all night. Hoping he's ok, wondering where he was sleeping.

Well today is the next day. We are going back down there this afternoon after work. I really hope I can get him in the truck today.

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