Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Shed a little tear.........

As I said yesterday I was going to go back to Crenshaw last night to see if I could find him again, feed him and spend some time with him. I left work early so that I could make sure I got my son to baseball pratice on time. My fiancee was suppose to go with me to find Casper but we decided that he needed to stay at the ballfield for my son. 

On my way to Crenshaw, I went through a road block.  I a guy I went to high school with in handcuffs.  Always nice to see something like that.  I couldn't do anything but smile at him. He was high as a kite with no cares in the world.  Shameful, really.  After going through the road block, I started thinking what am I going to tell the officers if I do get Casper in the truck. " Yes, Sir. I know there is a scared Pitbull in my back seat. No, Sir. I just picked him up off the streets in Crenshaw. Sir, I'm trying to save his life by rescuing him. Please let me pass."  Fun, I could just image them opening my door and off Casper would run.

Arriving in Crenshaw, I scanned the streets for him.  I didn't see him walking along the side walk.  I drove around the side street that circles the town.  I did not see him. I decided to park and wait for him.  While waiting there was a guy selling shoes out of the back of his truck.  Cars were pulling up then off. Young men were running from across the tracks.  All I'm thinking is just leave me alone. I won't mess with you if you don't mess with me.  I called my grandmother again and then called my fiancee.  After about 45 minutes of waiting, I decided that he was not going to show up.  I scanned the tracks one more time before I turned around out of the parking lot and left.

One the way home, all I could do was wonder how Casper was doing. It made me sad. I really wanted to see him. Take some pictures of him, let him know that I am his friend. Then I heard the song that sends me over everytime. From Tunica to Walls I cried. I cried for all those hurt, all those suffering and all those lost with no hope.

Sarah McLachlan - Angel
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