Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Well, a couple of weeks ago I went back to Crenshaw to try once again to locate Casper. The locals there believe that he belongs to someone across the tracks. If so they sure as hell don't take care of him. Charges should be pressed but this is backwoods country we are talking about. I did not see him when I went to find him.
On the other hand I did find two mixed puppies in a ditch off the highway in front of a Juke Joint called "The Barn". I took the puppies home with me. We named them Gurl and Boyee We tried for two weeks to find them a home. They had to stay in my garage. That was not fun. The smell of doggie pottie breaks were seeking into my living room. One of my friends knows a rescue group in our area and posted them on their Facebook to get them out there to try to find them a home. It did not help. I posted them on Craigslist and got one response for them. They really were not interested. We knew that if we did not find them a home that we would have to take them to the Shelter. It broke my heart. So last Saturday we take them to our county shelter. I was glad to find out that they hold them for 10 days, then screens them for diseases, and then places them up for adoption. They were great pups, the shelter said they looked like Shepherd/Lab mixes and were to be about 6 months old . I hate it that my Maximums is just not a happy camper when we have company stay over. If he would of been ok them with it we could of kept them longer or if I would live on multi acres. This is something that I am glad that we will address with Maximums before getting another stray in the house.
Now that the puppies are some where that they should be able to get more attention, I can go back to focusing on getting Casper off the streets. I guess patience is what is going to bring us together enable for him to be saved?

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